canned programming

canned programming
программирование с использованием постоянных циклов; подготовка УП с использованием постоянных циклов

Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "canned programming" в других словарях:

  • computer programming language — Introduction       any of various languages for expressing a set of detailed instructions for a digital computer. Such instructions can be executed directly when they are in the computer manufacturer specific numerical form known as machine… …   Universalium

  • Children's programming on CBS — In regards to children s programming, CBS has aired mostly animated series, such as the original versions of Scooby Doo, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, Jim Henson s Muppet Babies, Garfield and Friends and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Packaged — RadioPP Canned programming; syndicated, prerecorded, taped …   Audio and video glossary

  • Bisphenol A — Bisphenol A IUPAC name …   Wikipedia

  • artificial intelligence — the capacity of a computer to perform operations analogous to learning and decision making in humans, as by an expert system, a program for CAD or CAM, or a program for the perception and recognition of shapes in computer vision systems. Abbr.:… …   Universalium

  • G-code — G Code, or preparatory code or function, are functions in the Numerical control programming language. The G codes are the codes that position the tool and do the actual work, as opposed to M codes, that manages the machine; T for tool related… …   Wikipedia

  • Taxation of Digital Goods — Digital goods are software programs, music, videos or other electronic files that users download exclusively from the Internet.[1] Some digital goods are free, others are available for a fee. The taxation of digital goods is partially governed by …   Wikipedia

  • logistics — /loh jis tiks, leuh /, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. the branch of military science and operations dealing with the procurement, supply, and maintenance of equipment, with the movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel, with the …   Universalium

  • Ted Nugent — Nugent in concert in Naples, Italy, June 1, 2004 Background information Also known as The Nuge, Motor City Madman, Uncle Ted …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Industrial Classification — Le Standard Industrial Classification (classification normalisée des industries, abrégé en SIC) est un système de classification des industries utilisant quatre chiffres établi par le gouvernement des États Unis dans les années 1930. Il fut… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Magic Kids (TV channel) — Magic Kids Launched January 12 1995 Closed May 24 2006 Network Pramer Owned by Liberty Media Slogan Algo grande para los chicos Country …   Wikipedia

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